Christmas Writing Prompt
By Word Alive Press

The last few days before Christmas are an odd mixture of Ultra-Busyness—today is set to be the busiest shopping day of the year in Canada—and Holiday Cheer as we scramble around, trying to make sure we visit every out-of-towner who made it home for the holidays, cook up a feast or two, and keep the cat from gnawing all the tinsel off the tree. The Word Alive Press blogging team is gearing up to take a well-deserved rest as well, which means our usual Friday Writing Prompt will be taking a Christmas vacation as well.

But whatever the holidays bring to you, at heart, we are all still writers, and the cathartic act of writing may help to keep your Christmas happy and bright. And so, we interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you a special Wednesday Writing Prompt: on the busiest shopping day of the year, the eve of Christmas Eve, try pushing the Christmas cards aside for a few minutes, centering your focus, and connecting with Christ through writing. So grab a pen and paper, and try to spend at least 10 minutes on the following:

“All I want for Christmas is…”

Make it prose, make it poetry, make it an impromptu Christmas carol (ignore the fact that Mariah Carey got to it first)…and celebrate the holidays with us by sharing it in the comments section!

Merry Christmas to all, and we’ll see you back at the blog next Monday!

About this Contributor:

Word Alive Press is a Christian book publishing company that provides professional book publishing, sales, marketing and distribution services all in one facility!

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