Author Spotlight: Kathryn Klassen

We are pleased to introduce Kathryn Klassen. Kathryn recently published Canine and the Divine with us, which is now available through the Word Alive Press Bookstore, and everywhere fine Christian books are sold. We asked her to share a little bit about her new book and her writing. But first, a little bit about her.


In these days of globalization, Kathryn comes to us as a global citizen. She was born in East Africa to missionary parents and spent the first sixteen years of her life in beautiful Ethiopia. She recounts loving the culture, the people, learning the language, and just embracing all things Ethiopian. When returning to Canada, she had to walk through what many second-generation immigrants must and that is to adjust to a new culture. She is a typical third-culture kid (also known as TCK). Third Culture kids are those who grew up in one culture that wasn’t their own, then return to the culture that is supposed to be their own, but they don’t necessarily fit, so they create a mosaic of the cultures they have known hence—‘third culture’ motif. The beauty of TCK’s is that they are destined to be global citizens and have a broad grasp and natural connection with the beautiful mosaic of nations that we find ourselves a part of in this human race.

Kathryn Klassen

Kathryn has spent the past thirty-five years in disciple-making ministry, first in a parachurch organization working on university campuses, then serving as part of a pastoral team in a multicultural church in the heart of Toronto, ON with the Christian and Missionary Alliance. She presently ministers in the Eastern Canadian District of The Alliance as the Director of Renewal and Leader Formation, helping bring renewal to their eighty plus churches. She works primarily with younger pastors and leaders, assisting them to become His very best.

Her passion is to chase after God with every ounce of her being in such a way that others are drawn into the abundant life Jesus promised. She believes that as believers walk in abundance, they become contagions for the gospel. Those you rub shoulders with want what you have and what you have is Jesus!

Her calling is to be a catalyst for the deeper life as she helps others journey from disillusionment, disengagement and distraction into the vibrant, abundant life Jesus promised, through a balanced grounding in the Bible while experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit in safe community.

Kathy is practical, fun-loving and contemporary in her approach. She is a dog lover, enjoys gardening, journalling, hiking, baking, and bringing vibrancy to everything she encounters. She is a life-long learner and one of her ambitions is to keep trying new things—the most recent going para-sailing in Asia.

She is presently finishing a thesis on “The Role of Spiritual Nurture in Disciple Making” as the last step in completing a Masters in Transformational Leadership from Northeastern Seminary in New York.

Her very first book, Canine and the Divine is capturing dog lovers' hearts. Dog lovers are a breed of their own. Kathy shares from her own experience as a pet owner of thirteen years, weaving together lessons she learned about God from her little Bichon Frise. Whether they be patients in palliative care, or young teens with a pet, readers are having their hearts warmed as little wafts of God’s love seep into their hearts, filling them with hope in a complex and scary world. One reader said recently, “Your book is simply beautiful and beautifully simple. I need four more copies to give away to friends and family!”

Kathy’s plan is to tackle the ‘pet-loving’ market—groomers and pet stores, to see if they are open to putting something a little different on their shelves—a book about how their Dog can introduce them to their Everlasting Father who deeply loves them. She hopes to be doing some book signings in local pet stores.

Her book will also be profiled at the upcoming Alliance Assembly with all their other authors, a gathering of 750 national pastors and leaders.


Q: What led you to write a book on dogs?
A: I believe every single thing that crosses my path, whether creation or crisis can be a template for a fresh revelation of the incredible God of the universe. As Marcel Proust says, "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." (Retina. 2012 Feb:32 Suppl 1:S10-1. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0b013e31823da9d5.) My heart's cry is to be a ‘thin place.’ I want to be someone who helps others see life with new eyes—eyes of life and hope.

Q: Are there any other books you’re considering writing?
A: To be totally honest I am a reluctant author. I have never just wanted to add more books to already crowded shelves. It’s all been written, right? At least this was my response to so many who told me I should be writing. I held this view until one day when going through the Gospel of Luke in my daily quiet time I stumbled across the first verse—where Luke says (paraphrase) ‘I know there are other accounts there about Jesus’ life, but I’ve decided to write another one.’ As I thought of a Bible without Luke’s gospel—I was sobered. Yes, we do need more accounts of the same truths written, so that we can do whatever we can to get the message of hope out there in every hue possible.

So, in light of this, I am open to doing more writing. I have put together a Deeper Life online course that people have said I should turn into a book. It includes modules on Hearing God’s Voice, Encountering the Holy Spirit, Healing and Emotional Wholeness, Setting the Captives Free and Helping Others Find Freedom. This could easily be a set of five little gems.

The research I’m working on right now on the role of spiritual nurture in disciple-making has huge potential. As I’ve been test-driving some of my findings on people from various walks of life, I am hitting a 90% response rate of connection—people are intrigued and want to hear more. As the Brits say, “Watch this space.” We will see what materializes.

Connecting Points

To reach out to Kathryn, please contact us.

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