Author Spotlight: Victor A. Leonard
By Victor A. Leonard

“What is my purpose in life and why do I starve for these answers?”

Not long ago, Victor Leonard asked himself this question. Questions like these flooded his mind after an unexplainable presence pulled him back from the brink of suicide. He was defeated by drug and alcohol addictions and had given up on life.

Victor tried everything possible to turn his life around, and nothing worked. But his story changed when he met God, for only He could do what man could not.

In his books The Path to Freedom and Sacred Secret, Victor shares the amazing supernatural transformations he’s experienced since giving his life to Christ. He hopes people will be changed and inspired through his books to find Jesus as their hope.


Q: What genre are your books?

A: My books are non-fiction. They address the real-life problems people face during their lives. Some topics are more specific and unique than others,like addiction, depression, anxiety, and suicide. However, I also write about difficulties everyone will one day face, such as the loss of a loved one, poor health, anddeath. I truly believe the answer to these problems is relevant and important and that God’s grace, mercy, and love can trump any oppression when we seek salvation through Jesus Christ.

Q: What background or education do you have that enables you to write about these very personal topics?

A: I’ll be the first to admit that my education is lacking, having completed only Grade Nine. However, I have plenty of life experience — successes and failures — prior to being born again. Since my writing is purely Spirit-driven and testament-based, perhaps my biggest hurdle is remembering the trauma, tragedy, victory, and lessons that life has provided for me.

When I’m writing, I do my utmost to allow the Holy Spirit to lead the way in all areas. I believe that His conviction keeps me honest, while God’s Word provides knowledge and wisdom.

Q: What do you hope to accomplish through your books and online ministry?

A: That’s an interesting question,because the core motive behind my writing has evolved over time and continues to do so. Originally my intent was to become known as an author of Christian self-help books, and to earn a living from my writing efforts. However, this mindset has since changed dramatically. Today, my primary focus is to speak honestly with those who are suffering, with the hope of positively influencing them by my example. I now have aneed to show people that change is possible by turning their cares and problems over to a Higher Power — and not one of their own choosing. Only God, Yahweh, can do for man what we cannot do for ourselves.

Q: Do you plan on writing more books?

A: It’s definitely in my prayers that future book sales will allow me to continue with my writing. However, this is now in the hands of the Lord. I do hope to one day finish my originally planned series of seven books, hence A Book of Seven. I will continue to post my inspirational weekly blogs and try to better adapt to social media.

Q: If there were one specific topic you would like to see make a positive impact from your writing, what would that subject be?
A: Suicide. The wretched and demonic curse of suicide has covered our world like a mighty plague. All it takes is to open a newspaper or turn on a television to find suicide glaring back at you. The fact that I, too, attempted suicide at twelve years of age — and then again, not long ago — makes my heart heavy for these poor lost souls.

It wasn’t until I was saved that I realized suicide is not the answer — and it never is. God is the answer! I now carry that message and try to pass it along through my writing. One saved soul would make everything I do worthwhile.

Q: If you were to go through life again, would you do anything different?

A: Yes and no. Yes, because my sinful behaviour has hurt or damaged many innocent people’s lives. The severe pain, tragedy, loss, and suffering I have experienced has been atrocious. It would be a lie if I said I would do it all over again.

Without enduring these experiences, however, I would be incapable of writing truthfully in the manner I do. I believe that God has a plan for me, a plan that was put into action long ago when He saved me after I swallowed an entire bottle of pills as a child. I believe that He protected me during my ten long years of close association with the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club. I must believe that my life has a new righteous purpose, and I’m entirely grateful for this chance at redemption. It feels wonderful whenever I learn about someone who was positively influenced through my writing. This is the fuel that keeps me going.

No matter what happens in life, I will be forever grateful to God for this second chance. I only wish I had found His open hand sooner.

You can find Victor online at:
Facebook: Victor-A-Leonard
Twitter: @VictorALeonard

About this Contributor:

Victor A. Leonard is a former business owner, millwright, and welder. He enjoys spending time with his daughter Nicole, his church, writing, fishing, and walking with his two black labs. Visit his website at

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