Favourite Canadian Christian Authors
By Word Alive Press
Canada Day is mere days away! Whether you’re planning on celebrating at a back yard BBQ, on a picnic blanket being dazzled by the fireworks, or sipping lemonade at the Osborne Village street festival (Winnipeggers only, sorry!), we hope you’ll turn a literary mind to our national holiday this week and stop by your local bookstore for some great Canadian reading. To get you going, we polled the Word Alive Press office for some favourite Canadian Christian writers…
Jeremy Braun, co-owner
I want to say Mark Buchanan. But I assume Warren will say Mark Buchanan.
Warren Benson, co-owner
Mark Buchanan. He is able to captivate my attention as he exposes the deep truth of scripture.
Jen Jandavs-Hedlin, Publishing Consultant
One of the first Canadian Christian writers that I read was Janette Oke. I was in grade two and I found the first book in the Seasons of the Heart series at a garage sale. My mom thought the book was too long for me, so of course, I had to prove her wrong. The simple stories and fleshed out characters captivated my attention and left me day-dreaming about being part of the plot. I was hooked; I read everything that Oke wrote during the next few years, often borrowing books from my friend’s mom.
These days, I appreciate Reginald Bibby’s informative commentary on the pulse of the Canadian Christian landscape. I also enjoy reading Bruxy Cavey, who thoughtfully challenges the status quo of religion and faith.
Amy Groening, Project Manager
Canadian Christian authors are unexpectedly difficult to find; Google “Canadian author” or “Christian author” and a multitude of lists appear, but combine the two search items and you’ll be left under the impression that they’re a rare breed. In reality I find many of them are hiding in plain sight—wonderful writers who are Christian, who are Canadian, who for some reason don’t appear on a list for either. One of my favourites is Angeline Schellenberg, who has begun making waves for her poetry, appearing in Rhubarb, Geez, CV2, and Prairie Fire. She’s also a journalist, and combines her writing talents with her passions as a disability activist—she has two children on the autistic spectrum, and much of her writing focuses on the joys and struggles in the complicated dance of having loved ones with an often-misunderstood condition.
Kylee Unrau, Project Manager
Phil Callaway is an author that comes to mind. Even in his shorter articles, his humour shines through and is able to grab your attention and keep you reading. He has a great way of sharing truths and softening some harder issues with humour, which can make people more receptive into looking at their own lives and areas that they can grow in.
Those are a few of the names that we have come up with. But who’s your favourite Canadian Christian writer? Let us know in the comments section below!
About this Contributor:
Word Alive Press is a Christian book publishing company that provides professional book publishing, sales, marketing and distribution services all in one facility!