Straight from a Saturated Heart
By Lisa Elliott
It’s been a wild ride! In the last couple of months, I’ve been absorbed in more activity than I’ve experienced in a very long while. I’ve hosted a slew of company, flown out of province to assist my daughter (in the middle of a move) for a couple of weeks, navigated (from a distance) my 97-year old aunt’s transition to a long term care facility after living in her home for 70 years, been the emotional stabilizer for everyone concerned, prepared for my first speaking engagement in two-and-a-half years of pandemic isolation, stepped out of my comfort zone to do some live broadcasts, facilitated another session of GriefShare amid ongoing activity and significant decisions, figured out the details of the last stages of publishing and launching my third book, and carried on in church ministry as a pastor’s wife. No wonder I’m feeling the way I’m feeling. If these were merely tasks, I’d be tired enough. Add to that all the emotion attached to each one.
We all have times when we get to the end of ourselves. We run out of steam. We lose incentive. We don’t feel motivated. We get down on ourselves. We lose our confidence. We get all stirred up inside. We need comfort and reassurance and renewed peace, hope, energy, and joy.
These are the moments when I jump into a sudsy soaker tub to drain all the world’s worries, cares, anxieties, and troubles away and simply be still and know that He is God. With these simple, yet profound words from Psalm 46:10 hanging on the wall at the foot of my tub, I ponderously pray upon these words.
Be still and know that I am God.
Almighty Father (Gen. 49:12)
Sovereign Lord (Deut. 3:24)
The God who sees (Gen. 16:13)
Righteous Judge (Ps. 7:11)
Wonderful counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Is. 9:6)
King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Rev. 19:16)
Be still and know that I am.
I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).
I am the door (John 10:7
I am the bread of life (John 6:35, 41, 48, 51)
I am the light of the world (John 8:12; 9:5)
I am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11, 14)
I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25)
I am the true vine (John 15:1, 5)
I am that I Am (Exod. 3:14)
Be still and know.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Rom. 8:28)
And we know that He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us a hope and a future. (Jer. 29:11)
And we know that one day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess at the name of Jesus (Rom. 14:11)
And we know that one day all will be made new. (Rev. 21:5)
And we know that Jesus loves us because the Bible tells us so. (John 3:16)
Be still.
In other words, cease striving.
Stop worrying (Phil. 4:6-7)
Stop stressing (Matt. 6:25-34)
Stop running aimlessly (Heb. 12:1-4)
Trust Me. (Prov. 3:5-6)
Put your hope in Me. (Is. 49:23)
Come to Me and I will give you rest (Matt. 11:28)
Be yourself. (Ps. 139)
Be who God created you to be. He rejoices over you (Is. 62:5)
Being confident that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion (Phil. 1:6)
Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (Deut. 31:6, 7, 23; Josh. 1:6, 7, 9, 18; 10:25)
After soaking in and absorbing all that God had promised and spoken into this heart of mine, I step out of the tub with a renewed perspective on life. I am saturated with a restored hope in the good plans my Heavenly Father has in store for me as I put my trust in Him.
About this Contributor:
Lisa Elliott is an inspirational speaker and award-winning author of The Ben Ripple, Dancing in the Rain, and A Ministry Survival Guide. She’s also a writer for Just Between Us Magazine, theStory, and Good Ground. She and her pastor-husband, David, have four children (three on earth, one in heaven) and serve the Lord together in Ottawa, ON, Canada.