The ReFocus Writing Retreat
By Sara Davison
As every writer knows, writing, by its very nature, is a solitary activity. While that is generally okay, even necessary, it’s important to remind ourselves that, while we often work alone, we are not actually alone; we are part of a much larger community. For writers who are Christian, that community is made up of others who write not for their own glory but for the glory of God, people who believe their gifts and skills have been given to them by God and that writing is a sacred calling. Those in this community understand that we are not in competition with each other and that we need to support and encourage each other in this vocation and ministry.
The ReFocus Writing Retreat is a result of this way of thinking. From November 7-10, 2022, all writers in southwestern Ontario (or who are willing to travel) are invited to join us at the Guelph Bible Conference Grounds for four days of worship, connecting with other writers, guest performers, open mic night, great meals, and lots and lots of time to write.
One of our guest performers will be Brad Woods. Brad has told stories to all ages at festivals, theatres, conferences, prisons, churches, and pubs all over North America and the UK. He tells traditional tales, literary classics, and personal stories. His stories have been featured in a variety of broadcasts and publications including CBC Radion 1 and The Globe and Mail. He will not only be telling stories but will offer storytelling tips and take questions on the art of telling both oral and written stories.
Our second guest performer will be Judy Grieve, who performs monologues that bring the women of the Bible to life. Like Brad, Judy will not only be performing, she will be giving advice to writers, particularly screenwriters, on what actors look for in a script and a story.
While we will have a short time of corporate worship and a devotional after breakfast and will be gathering together again after dinner, the focus of the retreat is still on writing. Most of the morning and all afternoon will be devoted to writing time. For those participants who have signed up for NaNoWriMo or are working on a specific project, this will be a great opportunity to get the word count up.
An open mic night will offer interested retreat participants the opportunity to share a little of their work with the group and receive positive, encouraging feedback.
The purpose of the ReFocus Retreat, besides offering quiet, uninterrupted time to write, is to create an opportunity for everyone to retreat from the busyness of life for a few days, reconnect after a difficult couple of years globally, refresh physically, mentally, and spiritually, and refocus on their goals, plans, and hopes for their writing.
Go to November 2022 ReFocus Writers Retreat Registration | ( for more information on the retreat or to register. If you have more questions, would like to know about partial or day-only retreat costs, or would like advice on setting up a similar retreat in your own area, email Sara Davison at
About this Contributor:
Sara Davison is the author of the romantic suspense novel, The Watcher, the romantic suspense series, The Seven Trilogy, The Night Guardians, and The Rose Tattoo Trilogy. She has been a finalist for more than a dozen national writing awards, including Best New Canadian Christian author, a Selah, two Carols, and three Daphne du Maurier Awards for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense. She is a Word and Cascade Award winner. Sara currently resides in Ontario, Canada with her husband Michael and their three children, all of whom she (literally) looks up to.
Twitter: @sarajdavison
Facebook: Author Sara Davison