When Jesus Asks You to Walk on Water
By Bailey Riza
When God asks us to step out in faith, many times it’s a request that lies beyond what we can see. As Peter heard Jesus calling him out onto the waves, Peter had to step out of that boat ignoring every fear and feeling in his body warning him that water cannot be walked on! Can you imagine? And yet, even after successfully walking towards Jesus and defying the laws of physics, his faith faltered and he began to sink.
In our lives, we have many opportunities to step out in faith and many times we end up either stuck in the boat, too afraid to move, or sinking in the water as circumstances drown our faith. It’s in these moments that we need to remember the most important part of Peter’s experience. It was neither his success nor his failure but rather the moment when Jesus reached down his hand and provided strength in his weakness. It was not Peter’s idea to walk on the water and it was not by his own strength that he did walk on water. It was Jesus’ voice that called him and Jesus’ hand that lifted him out of the waves.
When you feel the fear of the unknown, remember that there is no place that Jesus has not been or will not go. When we step out and feel the waves rising, remember that Jesus’ hand is never too far to reach. By keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, we are guaranteed the victory in everything that He calls us to step into. Living by faith may seem like defying the laws of physics but remember, God wrote the laws of physics!!
Living by faith is just one of the three core values at Women’s Journey of Faith. Join us for our annual Spring Seminar, April 8th to 9th in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. This year’s keynote speakers are Stephanie Ackerman (avid Bible journaller and dynamic speaker), Leah Perrault (down to earth teacher), and Dustin Smith (Integrity music recording artist). To learn more about this event visit www.wjof.com/stj.php or purchase tickets at www.eventbrite.ca/e/spring-seminar-tickets-21014140861
About this Contributor:
Bailey Riza is young, passionate, and ready to impact a generation. Singing and songwriting from a young age, she has travelled North America with the Faith Alive Band having multiple songs featured on Daystar, the Faith Alive Show, and GODTV. Whether through her worship, life musings, or spiritual lessons, you will find her perspective refreshing, relatable, and convicting! baileyriza.wordpress.com